lovely chapter! slightly embarrassed that hearin' all this in sequence is a first for me--I've erased whatever bits 'n snatches were read to us at temple beyond Genesis---so all that said, we were always told (growin' up) that Israel was indeed our land (it's like in every prayer...) BUT if that land of Israel is laid out SO specifically--in every translation ('cept the outlier mistranslation w/Euphrates) AND if it's said that "we" were tasked with removing all others (non-violently) then WHY (oh why) is the territory SO contested?

WHY is it said that the 1948 territory was far too "vast" (ha ha vast given teeeny Israel) and the boundries "invented" to give "advantage" to us joos when in truth the boundaries were less than those circumscribed in Exodus?


WHY (oh why) do many today say that we "joos" have no claim to this land because we "broke" our covenant with God by castin' out others? In this chapter that seems to be the actual "plan!"-- (such things are never "easy" but it seemed like that complication is "baked into" the bible!)

And last but not least...

WHY if God/G-d accepts nay expects our failings along the way, WHY" if it's understood that "we" as a people make mistakes in tryin' to "git it right" -- WHY are chews not allowed such failings (as "Jesus" would allow) an' instead are told that by bein' sinners (evil money changers?) they are no longer "chosen?"

Anyone git this? (I was taught Chosen was not "better" but simply selected / designated to be the guinea pigs in followerin' torah / 10 commandments--an' settin' a good example under God's tutelage--however imperfect). I guess it's kinda a blessin' to be thus-"chosen" but I really did think of it as more "hey you guys" than some form of superior designation... (We take a lotta heat for this "bad PR" now!)

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Wonderful. You get what Jesus taught in many ways more than some Christians. Differences in theological interpretations are far less important than His commandments to Love God and love your neighbor. This "executive summary" of the original Ten Commandments is in no way in contradiction to the OT or Law of Moses.

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Fantastic reading! Thank you for continuing to share the Geneva Bible, your knowledge, and your amazing voice with us. ❤️

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Cual es la temática de Éxodo capitulo 22-24, explicame Naomi, por favor.

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