ketchin' up belatedly--this wuz a super swell readin' Naomi--like you (grew up reformed but w/ many conservative pals) my impressions were of a far more distant God--not warm, just all-knowin' etc. makes me FAR happier ta know that the entire affair (the torah) was a far more hamish endeavor!

folks (now-a-days) are sayin' horrible stuff 'bout us joos so yer readin' is comfort ta me--a kinda balm in gilead! (some say it means balsam!) many thanks!

(btw yer far more interestin' than my snoozy temple sunday school teachers--many've us as my friends & I have compared notes! would have not been fed up with our lackluster religious "educations" had we had instructors offerin' this compellin' stuff with the kinda enthusiasm an' helpful intepretation you're sharin'!)

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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, thank you for continuing with these bible reading. I look forward each time there is a new reading, it is really helping me personally.

God bless you.

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I have listened to every study so far. How may I know when you are going to read live so I can join while you are reading live?

Thank you Dr Wolf ~

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I love how you stress a Personal God! No need to go through a rabbi, priest, or minister to connect with or talk to God.

I’m doing a Naomi Wolf marathon today, trying to catch up! 🥰 God bless you!

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You are spot on on the role of the priest and rabbi. Doesn’t ‘Rabbi’ mean teacher?

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The word hallowed is also in the 4th commandment. “…and the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”

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The verb in my translation (Institute for Scripture Research) for “holyize” is set apart. Some think the word “holy” is actually too religious and distant a term. They were setting these people and things apart for a specific duty or use. Shabbat is set apart from the other days of the week. God is not one of us. He is not like us. He is apart from us. Distinct. Unique.

Israel was set apart to be distinct from the nations. Within Israel, Levi was set apart to be priests. Within Levi, Aharon was set apart to be the high priest. David was set apart to be king.

It is just a fact that certain groups or people are distinct from others and have certain responsibilities. It doesn’t mean they are better; they are different. They have a unique role.

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Dont worry about loosing followers. They mess with numbers on screen but people are still there.

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Now I have audio and video,

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I have a good connection ( just audio in my gmail ).

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